In case anyone has the same problem. I’ve finally found what was causing the HDD to be read every few secs on my server 2003 box. Single Instance Storage Groveler. It’s related to RIS. Stopping the service stops the drive doing the above. Now the DC is finally quite again.
To find your Mac address you need to type in the following code from your E71’s homescreen…
From there you will see your code that you must write down and punch in to the field that is asking for it. After this you should have access to the network.
File needs to be saved as a Formatted Text (Space delimited) file once done.
Here’s the easy way to add a bunch of users all at once!
1. Copy and paste the first and last names of your users into the AddUsersInfoHere sheet
2. Type the ChildOU name and Autofill it down.
3. Type the ParentOU name and Autofill it down.
4. Go to MassUserCreationScriptSource and check to see if the domain name and suffix are correct. If not, fill in
correct value on the first line and Autofill down.
5. On the SaveThisSheetAsTextFile sheet, make sure to autofill for all required user names.
6. Go to File–> Save As and save the sheet in a convenient place, making sure to select Formatted Text (Space Delimited)
as the file type.
7. Take your .prn file, rename it to something.bat.
8. Post to your server and run it at the command line!
Windows 7 64 is now installed. Works fine. You do a restart and it goes past post then black screen then slight white washed black screen as if it’s going to load Windows 7 logo but doesn’t. Just stays there. No errors.
Turn off and on again and it’s fine. It’s only if you do a restart.
“In bios, advanced, power on options, try setting post mode to either Clear Memory or FullBoot.
I had the same restart issue and the above change resolved it.”
Yes I know it don’t fit in the post but still 🙂 I’ve put a link to the image above.
I hate Mediums. They prey on the weak and gullible for money. This guy is just as bad. But its interesting here that he criticizes Most Haunted now he’s lost his contract with them. Most Haunted clearly having something to hide, had him remove it from his site. They forgot about Google Cache. It’s gone from that now too but I got a pic before it went.
Little vid I created to show how easy it is to crack WEP. Shockingly people still have WEP set on their WIFI setups. You need to change it to WPA2 ASAP.
This vid is for educational purposes only as it’s illegal to crack anyone’s WIFI unless you have permission.
WPA and WPA2 is a lot harder to crack if you use a strong password as it requires a dictionary attack. If your password isn’t in their dictionary because you made it strong with special characters etc, then it will be harder for someone to crack.
You have to remember that you may think “So what if someone gets on my router. If they just download the odd e-mail then so be it.” Problem is once they are on, they can download anything. What with the new Copyright Bill act in place, they could download a Hollywood movie and it would trace back to your IP. You’re the one that would get the warning letters not them. Your internet connection is the one that would get cut off, not theirs. Also once they are on your network, they can perform a Man in The Middle Attack (mentioned in my other security posts). They could then intercept your banking details, e-mail login details and more. They could also, even jump onto your PC without you even knowing about it.
I’ll add more to these notes later when I can be bothered. To explain the commands and what it’s all doing.