How can I stop users from installing Windows Installer (MSI) files for removable media?
October 26, 2010
Steven Whiting
Posted as this was preventing me from installing an .MSI
With Windows Installer 1.1 and later, you can restrict users from browsing MSI files on removable media such as CD-ROMs and DVDs by performing the following steps:
1. Start a registry editor (e.g., regedit.exe).
2. Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer registry subkey (create this subkey if it doesn’t exist).
3. From the Edit menu, select New, DWORD Value.
4. Enter the name DisableMedia, then press Enter.
5. Double-click the new value, set it to 1, then click OK.
6. Close the registry editor.
7. Log off and log on for the change to take effect.