A place for info I've learnt in IT & stuff. (I get a little kick back from affiliate ads & links, just so you are aware)

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Played this on and off since they started and its good.

Project Zomboid

This game made you realise why it would all end quite quickly. Fire. In the game you can break into other houses, watching out for the dead left inside. You can use the cooker if the electric is still on, but if you then have to bug out quickly and don’t get a chance to turn the cooker off and there was food in it, a fire starts and that’s it. If it doesn’t rain soon then that fire spreads. I’ve had games where it spread for several blocks, I used it to thin out the heard. With no fire brigade to put fires out, it can spread for several streets.

Made you realise the likes of The Walking Dead wouldn’t last, simply due to fires starting and spreading.



Michael Vincent

Seems to be happening to me every time they release an update. This is on the PC of course.

Close Origin.

Look in the registry by typing regedit in the start search box from the Windows start menu. (wrote this for the BF3 forum)

Go to HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Battlefield 3 and note down what is in the Install Dir field.

Then double click it and in the Value Data field delete what is there and click OK.

Then run BF3 from the icon again. Origin will load and moan that BF3 doesn’t appear to be installed (I’m assuming it clears some cached data at this point maybe?).

Close Origin again.

Go back to the registry entry above and put back what was in Install Dir field.

Then run BF3 again. Origin now saw it was installed and ran the Battlelog. I could then play again.

May work for you.

So the secret is revealed.  There has always been the question “What was in Alan’s draw in series one in the hotel”.  Well it was never mentioned by this captured still image I took reveals it was a porn mag.

Alan's Draw

This is series 1, episode 6 – Towering Alan – at roughly 26mins 19secs

Dan and Dan Films

Quality comedy from Dan and Dan. They play off each other really well.

Dan and Dan Films

Yeah a new one

The best videos on YouTube.


Dan and Dan’s blog

Dan and Dan Films