BitLocker requests encryption key at every boot
First disable Bitlocker (do not decrypt!!!)
2. take ownership of the TMP chip
3. reboot
4. Initialize TPM chip enter pswd on TMP chip
5. Enable Bitlockerdrive is still encrypted and your tmp chip is loaded. and won’t request keys on boot.
Patrick Veldboer
Boot the laptop and then enter the Bit Locker unlock code (from awdc05)
Plug the laptop into the network and then log on as your admin user
Control Panel -> Bit Locker Drive Encryption
Suspend Protection
Choose the option to suspend Protection-> Reboot
Note that you are still asked to enter the Bit Locker Code
Restart and then go into the BIOS
Security-> TPM-> Choose the option to disable-> Save then exit
Log on to Windows-> Control Panel-> Bit Locker Drive Encryption
Resume Protection
Choose the option to Resume Protection – Message: Activate TPM first
Take ownership
Launch TPM Administration -> Initiate TPM
At this point you will get a message saying that the machine will restart and then follow the instructions. (Something like press F10 to continue)
Go into the BOIS – Activate TPM
Log into Windows -> Bit Locker Drive Encryption -> Restart Protection
As found by Sheldon 🙂